step beta ca admin update


step beta ca admin update -- update an admin


step beta ca admin update <subject> [--super] [--provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-cert=<file>] [--admin-key=<file>] [--admin-provisioner=<name>]
[--admin-subject=<subject>] [--password-file=<file>] [--ca-url=<uri>]
[--root=<file>] [--context=<name>]


step beta ca admin update updates an admin.

WARNING: The 'beta' prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'step ca admin ...' going forwards.

Positional arguments

id The name of the admin to update.


--super Update the admin with super-admin privileges.

--provisioner=name The provisioner name by which to filter admins.

--admin-cert=chain Admin certificate (chain) in PEM format to store in the 'x5c' header of a JWT.

--admin-key=file Private key file, used to sign a JWT, corresponding to the admin certificate that will be stored in the 'x5c' header.

--admin-provisioner=name, --admin-issuer=name The provisioner name to use for generating admin credentials.

--admin-subject=subject, --admin-name=subject The admin subject to use for generating admin credentials.

--password-file=file The path to the file containing the password to encrypt or decrypt the private key.

--ca-url=URI URI of the targeted Step Certificate Authority.

--root=file The path to the PEM file used as the root certificate authority.

--context=name The context name to apply for the given command.


Add super-admin privileges to an admin:

$ step beta ca admin update --super

Specify admin by provisioner:

$ step beta ca admin update --super --provisioner devops-jwk

Remove super-admin privileges from an admin:

$ step beta ca admin update --super=false