Configuring step-ca Provisioners

Provisioners are methods of using the CA to get certificates for humans or machines. They offer different modes of authorization for the CA. In this section we'll discuss the different provisioners, their target use cases, and how to add, remove, and configure them.


Choosing a Provisioner

When choosing a provisioner for your use case, you can narrow your options by starting from the types of identifiers you need on a certificate.

Identifier TypeJWKOAuthX5CACME dns-01ACME http-01ACME tls-alpn-01ACME device-attest-01NebulaSCEPK8sSACloud Provisioners
IP address✔️𝗫✔️𝗫✔️✔️𝗫✔️✔️𝗫✔️
Hardware ID✔️𝗫✔️𝗫𝗫𝗫✔️𝗫✔️𝗫𝗫
Service Account✔️✔️✔️𝗫𝗫𝗫𝗫𝗫✔️✔️𝗫

Authorization Scope by Provisioner

Every provisioner has a slightly different scope of authorization. Below is a table detailing the authorization capabilities of each provisioner.

Provisioner Capabilitiesx509-signx509-renewx509-revokessh-user-cert-signssh-host-cert-signssh-user-cert-renewssh-host-cert-renewssh-revokessh-rekey
OIDC✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ 1𝗫𝗫✔️𝗫

Admin OIDC users can generate Host SSH Certificates. Admins can be configured in the OIDC provisioner.

For an example of how to interpret this table, let's take the JWK provisioner. The JWK provisioner is capable of signing, renewing, and revoking X.509 certificates, as well signing user and host SSH certificates. A JWK provisioner cannot renew or rekey SSH certificates.

An SSHPOP provisioner can revoke and rekey SSH certificates and renew SSH host certificates. An SSHPOP provisioner cannot sign, renew, or revoke X.509 certificates, and it cannot sign SSH user and host certificates or renew SSH user certificates.

It's important to understand the capabilities and limitations when selecting a provisioner for a given workload.

Provisioner Management

Use the step ca provisioner command group to add, remove, or modify provisioner configurations. Run these commands directly on your CA machine. They need to modify the $(step path)/config/ca.json configuration file.

Some provisioner options override global defaults for your CA. For a list of global options, see the configuration guide section for the authority configuration block.

A remote provisioner management API can be enabled in step-ca. It is disabled by default. With remote provisioner management, the CA's provisioner configuration is stored in the database instead of ca.json. (The global CA configuration remains in ca.json.)

This feature can be useful if you have multiple CA administrators, run several load-balanced step-ca instances, or if you want to manage your provisioners remotely (eg. with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools; see below).

Common Provisioner Operations

Common provisioner operations include:

Unless you are using remote provisioner management, you must send a SIGHUP signal, or restart the step-ca process, for changes to your provisioner configuration to take effect.

Add a provisioner

Use step ca provisioner add to add a provisioner:

step ca provisioner add acme --type ACME

See the command reference for complete documentation and examples.

Remove a provisioner

Use step ca provisioner remove to remove provisioners:

step ca provisioner remove acme

You can also edit the ca.json configuration file and remove the entire block containing the provisioner you'd like to remove.

List all provisioners

To get a list of all of your current provisioners, use step ca provisioner list or the /provisioners endpoint on your CA.

Modify a provisioner

Use step ca provisioner update to update provisioner configurations:

step ca provisioner update acme \ --x509-min-dur=20m \ --x509-max-dur=72h \ --x509-default-dur=36h

In this example we've modified the minumum, maximum, and default durations for TLS certificates generated by this provisioner.

Provisioner configuration can be used to affect X.509 and SSH certificate lifetimes, extensions, and templates. There are some provisioner-specific options, which are covered by the documentation for each provisioner type, below.

Remote Provisioner Management

This feature is disabled by default.

When remote provisioner management is enabled, your provisioner configuration is stored in the database, rather than in ca.json. Provisioner configuration is managed by running step ca provisioner commands locally or remotely. These commands require you to sign in as an Admin user.

Enable Remote Provisioner Management

On a New CA

To enable remote provisioner management on a new CA, pass --remote-management to step ca init. This will:

  • Add an initial JWK provisioner called Admin JWK to the database.
  • Create an initial Super Admin user, with default username step, and link it to the Admin JWK provisioner.
On an Existing CA

To migrate your ca.json provisioners to the database, and to enable remote provisioner management on an existing CA:

  1. Stop step-ca if it is running.

  2. Update your "authority" block in ca.json to include the following:

    "authority": { "enableAdmin": true, "provisioners": [ ... ] },
  3. Start step-ca from the command line.

    When step-ca starts up, it will:

    • Migrate the provisioners from your ca.json to the database
    • Repurpose the first JWK provisioner in your ca.json as an administrative provisioner. If no JWK provisioner exists, it will add a JWK provisioner called Admin JWK to the database. You will be prompted for a password that will encrypt the new provisioner key.
    • Create an initial Super Admin user, with username step, and link it to the administrative provisioner.
  4. Remove old provisioner configurations from ca.json. Once your provisioners are migrated to the database, the provisioners in ca.json are ignored and you can remove them from that file:

    "authority": { "enableAdmin": true, "provisioners": [] },

Managing Admin Users

With remote provisioner management,
"Admins" can remotely manage provisioners.
"Super Admins" are Admins that can also manage the list of Admins for the CA using step ca admin.

Create An Admin User

To perform CA administrative operations, you sign into that provisioner as an Admin.

As a Super Admin, lets create an Admin user linked to the Admin JWK provisioner:

step ca admin add carl "Admin JWK"


Authenticating as an admin

An Admin (or a Super Admin) is a combination of a username (a subject name) and a provisioner. There are no passwords associated with administrators. An administrator is just a subject name and a provisioner name.

The default Super Admin username is step, and the default admin provisioner is called Admin JWK.

You can authenticate as an administrator via the authentication scheme of the provisioner. For example, for the default JWK provisioner, running administrative commands in step will prompt for the provisioner password.

Tip: Single Sign-On can be used for Admin users. To enable SSO CA administration, first add an OIDC provisioner linked to your identity provider. Then, add an Admin user associated with that provisioner, using your email address as the Admin's subject name.

The Admin and Super Admin privileges are not scoped to a provisioner: Admins can modify any provisioner configurations. Super Admins are Admins that can also modify Admins, regardless of provisioner.

Use Remote Provisioner Management

You're all set. 🎉

You can use the step ca provisioner commands, from any client, to modify your CA's provisioner configuration.

Unattended Remote Provisioner Management

If you want to manage provisioners remotely using a script or an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, you will need an administrative certificate and key.

An administrative certificate must meet the following criteria:

  • The Subject (or any SAN) must match the name of an Admin or Super Admin.
  • The certificate must be issued by the provisioner of the Admin or Super Admin.
  • The certificate must be valid and unexpired.
  • A passively revoked certificate is valid until it expires; for immediate revocation, remove the admin instead of revoking the certificate.

To create an admin certificate, run:

step ca certificate step admin.crt admin.key --provisioner "Admin JWK"


✔ Provisioner: Admin JWK (JWK) [kid: 5UasaZcgkI_PxQeZqssfq5mzFnGHOWL5g5kDt07Vc1k]
Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key:
✔ CA: https://localhost
✔ Certificate: admin.crt
✔ Private Key: admin.key

With that certificate, you can use it as follows:

step ca provisioner add ... --admin-cert=admin.crt --admin-key=admin.key

If the admin.crt represents a Super Admin, the same flags can also be used to manage Admins:

step ca admin add ... --admin-cert=admin.crt --admin-key=admin_key

Provisioner Types


JWK is the default provisioner type. It uses public-key cryptography to sign and validate a JSON Web Token (JWT).

The step CLI tool will create a JWK provisioner when step ca init is used.


Add a JWK provisioner:

step ca provisioner add --create

In the ca.json configuration file, a complete JWK provisioner example looks like:

{ "type": "JWK", "name": "", "key": { "use": "sig", "kty": "EC", "kid": "NPM_9Gz_omTqchS6Xx9Yfvs-EuxkYo6VAk4sL7gyyM4", "crv": "P-256", "alg": "ES256", "x": "bBI5AkO9lwvDuWGfOr0F6ttXC-ZRzJo8kKn5wTzRJXI", "y": "rcfaqE-EEZgs34Q9SSH3f9Ua5a8dKopXNfEzDD8KRlU" }, "encryptedKey": "eyJhbGciOiJQQkVTMi1IUzI1NitBMTI4S1ciLCJjdHkiOiJqd2sranNvbiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00iLCJwMmMiOjEwMDAwMCwicDJzIjoiTlV6MjlEb3hKMVdOaFI3dUNjaGdYZyJ9.YN7xhz6RAbz_9bcuXoymBOj8bOg23ETAdmSCRyHpxGekkV0q3STYYg.vo1oBnZsZjgRu5Ln.Xop8AvZ74h_im2jxeaq-hYYWnaK_eF7MGr4xcZGodMUxp-hGPqS85oWkyprkQLYt1-jXTURfpejtmPeB4-sxgj7OFxMYYus84BdkG9BZgSBmMN9SqZItOv4pqg_NwQA0bv9g9A_e-N6QUFanxuYQsEPX_-IwWBDbNKyN9bXbpEQa0FKNVsTvFahGzOxQngXipi265VADkh8MJLjYerplKIbNeOJJbLd9CbS9fceLvQUNr3ACGgAejSaWmeNUVqbho1lY4882iS8QVx1VzjluTXlAMdSUUDHArHEihz008kCyF0YfvNdGebyEDLvTmF6KkhqMpsWn3zASYBidc9k._ch9BtvRRhcLD838itIQlw", "claims": { "minTLSCertDuration": "5m", "maxTLSCertDuration": "24h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "24h", "disableRenewal": false, "minHostSSHCertDuration": "5m", "maxHostSSHCertDuration": "1680h", "minUserSSHCertDuration": "5m", "maxUserSSHCertDuration": "24h", "enableSSHCA": true }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" }, "ssh": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/ssh/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: for a JWK provisioner it must be JWK, this field is case insensitive.

  • name: identifies the provisioner, a good practice is to use an email address or a descriptive string that allows the identification of the owner, but it can be any non-empty string.

  • key: is the JWK (JSON Web Key) representation of a public key used to validate a signed token.

  • encryptedKey*: is the encrypted private key used to sign a token. It's a JWE compact string containing the JWK representation of the private key. This value is not necessary for CA operation, but is provided for the convenience of clients. Without the encryptedKey attribute, the private key must be provided by the client, using the --key flag.


Decrypting the private key

We can use step crypto jwe decrypt to see the private key encrypted with the password asdf:

$ step ca provisioner list \ | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "") | .encryptedKey' \ | step crypto jwe decrypt \ | jq Please enter the password to decrypt the content encryption key: { "use": "sig", "kty": "EC", "kid": "NPM_9Gz_omTqchS6Xx9Yfvs-EuxkYo6VAk4sL7gyyM4", "crv": "P-256", "alg": "ES256", "x": "bBI5AkO9lwvDuWGfOr0F6ttXC-ZRzJo8kKn5wTzRJXI", "y": "rcfaqE-EEZgs34Q9SSH3f9Ua5a8dKopXNfEzDD8KRlU", "d": "rsjCCM_2FQ-uk7nywBEQHl84oaPo4mTpYDgXAu63igE" }
Changing a JWK provisioner password
  1. Retrieve the current encrypted key.

    Run the following, changing the provisioner name in the jq command to match your configuration:

    OLD_ENCRYPTED_KEY=$(step ca provisioner list \ | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "").encryptedKey')
  2. Update the encrypted key password.


    ENCRYPTED_KEY=$(echo $OLD_ENCRYPTED_KEY | \ step crypto jwe decrypt | \ step crypto jwe encrypt --alg PBES2-HS256+A128KW | \ step crypto jose format)

    You'll be asked for the old and new passwords.

  3. Update the provisioner.

    Run the following, changing the provisioner name in the command to match your configuration:

    step ca provisioner update \ --private-key=<(echo -n "$ENCRYPTED_KEY")
  4. Send a SIGHUP to step-ca to reload the configuration file.

    (Skip this step if you have enabled remote provisioner administration.)

    killall -i -s SIGHUP step-ca
Rekeying a JWK provisioner
  1. Update the provisioner.

    Run the following, changing the provisioner name in the command to match your configuration:

    step ca provisioner update --create
  2. Send a SIGHUP to step-ca to reload the configuration file.

    (Skip this step if you have enabled remote provisioner administration.)

    killall -i -s SIGHUP step-ca
Removing the encrypted private key from a JWK provisioner

The encrypted private key stored in the JWK provisioner configuration and published to the public /provisioners endpoint is provided for client convenience. It is not required for step-ca to operate. To remove this key:

  1. Update the provisioner.

    Run the following, changing the provisioner name in the command to match your configuration:

    step ca provisioner update --private-key ""
  2. Send a SIGHUP to step-ca to reload the configuration file.

    (Skip this step if you have enabled remote provisioner administration.)

    killall -i -s SIGHUP step-ca

OAuth/OIDC Single Sign-on

Sometimes it's useful to issue certificates to people. So step-ca supports single sign-on with identity providers (IdPs) like Google, Okta, Azure Active Directory, Keycloak, or any other provider that supports OAuth's OpenID Connect extension..

OpenID Connect is an extension to OAuth 2.0 that adds an identity layer. Providers that support OIDC can issue identity tokens ("ID tokens") to OAuth clients. These are JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) containing user identity information (eg. full name, username, email address). Like certificates, OIDC tokens have a validity period and are cryptographically signed by a trust authority (the OAuth provider).

Here's an example OIDC identity token issued by Google:

{ "alg": "RS256", "kid": "cd49b2ab16e1e9a496c8239dac0dadd09d443012", "typ": "JWT" }.{ "iss": "", "azp": "", "aud": "", "sub": "115449349109627210866", "hd": "", "email": "", "email_verified": true, "at_hash": "lE6o-GdMpurFQ0WrJ9-H7g", "nonce": "5f5820880a43c3f50d55ce79af15430b14b4059bdf4efbe717da6af8bfc53122", "iat": 1621877714, "exp": 1621881314 }.[Signature]

The OIDC provisioner in step-ca can be configured to trust and accept an OAuth provider's ID tokens for authentication. By default, the issued certificate will use the subject (sub) claim from the identity token as its subject. The value of the token's email claim is also included as an email SAN in the certificate.

example of provisioner working with step ca

Fig. 3: Diagram of how step works with individuals using a single sign-on provisioner

From the user's perspective, when requesting a certificate, step detects the OIDC provisioner and initiates the OAuth login flow automatically:

$ step ca certificate mike.crt mike.key ✔ Key ID: (Google) ✔ CA: https://ca.internal ✔ Certificate: mike.crt ✔ Private Key: mike.key
$ step certificate inspect --short mike.crt X.509v3 TLS Certificate (ECDSA P-256) [Serial: 2581...6739] Subject: 115449349109627210866 Issuer: Smallstep Intermediate CA Provisioner: Google [ID:] Valid from: 2019-06-20T18:21:52Z to: 2019-06-21T18:21:52Z
Configuring your identity provider (IdP)

When creating an OAuth app, there isn't much to configure on the IdP. Most providers will ask you to specify a Redirect URI, where the ID token will be delivered at the end of the OAuth flow. Since step starts its own local web server to receive the token, use as the Redirect URI.

Example: Google Identity

One of the most common providers, and the one used in the following example, is Google Identity.

Add a Google provisioner:

$ step ca provisioner add Google --type oidc \ --client-id \ --client-secret 6Q7lGMua_Oox4nA92QBXYypT \ --configuration-endpoint \ --domain --domain

Example ca.json provisioner configuration for a Google provisioner:

{ "type": "OIDC", "name": "Google", "clientID": "", "clientSecret": "udTrOT3gzrO7W9fDPgZQLfYJ", "configurationEndpoint": "", "admins": [""], "domains": [""], "listenAddress": ":10000", "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "8h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2h", "disableRenewal": true }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" }, "ssh": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/ssh/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be OIDC.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • clientID: the client id provided by the identity provider used to initialize the authentication flow.

  • clientSecret: the shared secret provided by the identity provider; used to get the id token during the OAuth flow. Some identity providers may use an empty string as a secret. In the context of step-ca, the client "secret" is not actually a secret and is available via the CA's /provisioners configuration endpoint, because every step client needs to use it locally.

  • configurationEndpoint: is the HTTP address used by the CA to get the OpenID Connect configuration and public keys used to validate the tokens.

  • admins*: These users will be allowed to request certificates with any name (custom SANs). Non-admins can only get certificates bound to their own ID and email address.

  • domains*: is the list of domains valid. If provided only the emails with the provided domains will be able to authenticate.

  • listenAddress*: is the address (:port or host:port) where the authorization server will redirect the client's web browser at the end of the authorization flow. By default, the step client will bind to on a random port. This parameter is only required if the authorization server demands a specific port for loopback IP redirect URIs.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.

Browserless Console Mode

Sometimes it's helpful to use OAuth in an input-constrained environment where a web browser is not available. The Device Authorization Grant flow is an OAuth 2.0 extension designed for this scenario. The step-ca OIDC provisioner supports the Device Authorization Grant flow.

To use the Device Authorization Grant flow for input-constrained devices, run:

$ step ca certificate foo foo.crt foo.key --console

To specify a flow other than the default (for example Google's deprecated Out of Band flow), run:

$ STEP_CONSOLE_FLOW=oob step ca certificate foo foo.crt foo.key --console
Further reading

X5C - X.509 Certificate

With the X5C provisioner, a client can authenticate a certificate request using an existing X.509 certificate. Configure this provisioner with a root CA certificate, and any certificate bundle that chains up to that root can be used in a certificate request.

  • Clients may request an X.509 or SSH certificate
  • Clients must provide an X.509 certificate bundle whose root is trusted by the provisioner
  • Clients sign their request with the certificate private key
  • The validity period of the new certificate must fall within the validity period of the certificate used to authenticate the request

The X5C provisioner uses X5C tokens for authentication. An X5C token is a JWT, signed by the certificate private key, with an x5c header that contains the certificate bundle.


If you would like any certificate signed by step-ca to become a provisioner (have the ability to request new certificates with any name), you can create an X5C provisioner using the root certificate used by step-ca, like so:

step ca provisioner add x5c-smallstep --type X5C --x5c-root $(step path)/certs/root_ca.crt

Or, you can configure the X5C provisioner with an outside root, granting provisioner capabilities to a completely separate PKI.

Below is an example of an X5C provisioner in the ca.json:

... { "type": "X5C", "name": "x5c", "roots": "LS0tLS1 ... Q0FURS0tLS0tCg==", "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "8h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2h", "disableRenewal": true }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" }, "ssh": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/ssh/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be X5C.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • roots: a base64 encoded list of root certificate PEM blocks used for validating X5C tokens.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.



This is an experimental feature.

If you have a Nebula overlay network, you can create a Nebula provisioner and configure it with your Nebula root CA certificate. Clients can then use their Nebula client certificate and private key to request an X.509 or SSH host certificate from step-ca. The Nebula certificate they use for authentication must be issued by the Nebula root CA configured in the provisioner.

The Nebula client certificate is used for authorization, too: The client is allowed to request an X.509 or SSH host certificate with the name or any of the ips appearing on the Nebula client certificate.

To be clear, Nebula certificates can contain a single name and a list of ips. The name field is often a DNS hostname, but it could be an email, IP, or URI. And ips contains a list of CIDR blocks. In step-ca, the Nebula provisioner will authorize certificate subjects or SANs that include the name, plus IPs in any of the CIDR blocks in ips on the Nebula certificate.

To get started, create a Nebula provisioner:

step ca provisioner add --type Nebula --nebula-root /etc/nebula/ca.crt

Now you can get an X509 certificate with the Nebula provisioner, using a Nebula client certificate. Here's an example using the DNS name, and two IPs:

step ca certificate host3.crt host3.key \ --nebula-cert /etc/nebula/client.crt \ --nebula-key /etc/nebula/client.key \ --san \ --san

SSHPOP - SSH Certificate

An SSHPOP provisioner allows a client to renew, revoke, or rekey an SSH certificate using that certificate for authentication with the CA. The renew and rekey methods can only be used on SSH host certificates.

An SSHPOP provisioner is configured with the user and host root ssh certificates from the ca.json. The SSHPOP provisioner can only authenticate SSHPOP tokens generated using SSH certificates created by step-ca.

An SSHPOP token is a JWT, signed by the certificate private key, with an sshpop header that contains the SSH certificate.

When configured with the --ssh option (step ca init --ssh), the CA will contain a default SSHPOP provisioner named sshpop.


Add an SSHPOP provisioner:

step ca provisioner add sshpop --type SSHPOP

An example SSHPOP provisioner in the ca.json:

... { "type": "SSHPOP", "name": "sshpop", "claims": { "enableSSHCA": true }, "options": { "ssh": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/ssh/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be SSHPOP.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.



The ACME Protocol can authenticate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) in a way that enables automation.

ACME clients must answer challenges presented by the ACME server to prove to the CA that they control the identifiers listed in the CSR. ACME supports four different types of challenges: http-01, dns-01, tls-alpn-01, and device-attest-01. These are designed for operability in different environments. See ACME Basics for a description of each challenge type and their tradeoffs.

In a typical setup, an ACME server might issue server certificates via the http-01, dns-01, tls-alpn-01 challenge types, and client certificates via the device-attest-01 challenge type.

The ACME provisioner in step-ca supports issuing X.509 certificates using IP, hostname, and device identifiers.


Add an ACME provisioner:

step ca provisioner add acme --type ACME

An example of an ACME provisioner in the ca.json:

... { "type": "ACME", "name": "acme", "forceCN": true, "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "8h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2h" }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be ACME.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • forceCN*: force one of the SANs to become the Common Name, if a common name is not provided.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.


See ACME Basics for more guidance on configuring and using the ACME protocol with step-ca.

ACME for Device Attestation

The device-attest-01 challenge supports device attestations from iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and YubiKeys. An attestation certificate is used to satisfy the ACME challenge. The CSR may include a device ID in a permanentIdentifier SAN (RFC 4043), depending on the application.

Managed Device Attestation for Apple Devices

To add a device-attest-01 provisioner for use with Managed Device Attestation on Apple devices, run:

step ca provisioner add acme-da \ --type ACME \ --challenge device-attest-01 \ --attestation-format apple

In your Apple MDM profile, you will need:

  • A CertificateRoot payload, containing your root CA certificate PEM block, so that it's trusted by the device.
  • An ACMECertificate payload. For this one, set the ClientIdentifier to the UDID or serial number of the device.
Device Attestation for YubiKeys

To add a device-attest-01 provisioner for YubiKey devices, run:

step ca provisioner add acme-da \ --type ACME \ --challenge device-attest-01 \ --attestation-format step

To get a client certificate for a hardware-bound private key on your YubiKey:

  1. Create a device-attest-01 provisioner as described above.

  2. Insert the YubiKey.

  3. Generate a private key in one of the YubiKey's slots, if you haven't already. In this example, we'll use slot 9a. Run:

    step kms create 'yubikey:slot-id=9a' \ --kms 'yubikey:?pin-value=123456'
  4. Get a certificate for the YubiKey from step-ca. Substitute the serial number of your YubiKey here:

    { YUBIKEY_SERIAL_NO=123EXAMPLE90 step ca certificate --attestation-uri 'yubikey:slot-id=9a' \ --kms 'yubikey:?pin-value=123456' \ --provisioner acme-da $YUBIKEY_SERIAL_NO yubikey.crt }


The SCEP provisioner can sign and renew certificates using the SCEP protocol (RFC8894). SCEP is very popular for use in network equipment and mobile device management (MDM). It runs over HTTP using POSTed binary data or base64-encoded GET parameters, using CMS (PKCS#7) and CSR (PKCS#10) data formats. A shared secret authenticates clients to the CA.


Your CA must use an RSA intermediate CA, even if your client supports ECDSA. The RSA intermediate is used to decrypt the contents of the SCEP pkcsPKIEnvelope containing the certificate request. This operation cannot be performed using an ECDSA key.

Because step ca init creates an ECDSA chain by default, you will need to convert your CA to use an RSA CA chain before using the SCEP provisioner.

Configure the Provisioner

In this example, we will add a SCEP provisioner using challenge secret secret1234 and AES-256-CBC as the encryption algorithm:

step ca provisioner add my_scep_provisioner \ --type SCEP --challenge "secret1234" \ --encryption-algorithm-identifier 2

The shared challenge should be a value that you will distribute to your SCEP clients.

Here's an example of a SCEP provisioner in $(step path)/config/ca.json:

{ "type": "SCEP", "name": "scepca", "forceCN": true, "challenge": "secret1234", "minimumPublicKeyLength": 2048, "includeRoot": true, "encryptionAlgorithmIdentifier": 2, }
  • The forceCN parameter is optional. It behaves the same as forceCN in the ACME provisioner, and it defaults to false.
  • challenge is the secret shared between the provisioner and SCEP clients. By default no secret is used.
  • The minimumPublicKeyLength parameter can be used to set the minimum length of public keys submitted by a client. Defaults to 2048.
  • When includeRoot is set to true, the root CA certificate will be returned in responses to GetCACert requests in addition to the intermediate CA certificate. This option was added to support a specific use case for the macOS SCEP client (see certificates#746 for more details). Defaults to false.
  • The encryptionAlgorithmIdentifier parameter can be used to change the encryption algorithm used for encrypting the request content. Defaults to 0: DES-CBC for legacy compatibility.
Enable the HTTP Server

By default SCEP will only be served via HTTPS. Most SCEP clients use HTTP, so you will most likely need your CA to listen using HTTP too, which it does not do by default. Enable this by filling in the "insecureAddress" property to your top-level CA configuration:

... "insecureAddress": ":8080", ...

Finally, restart step-ca. Your SCEP provisioner is now available at the endpoint

K8sSA - Kubernetes Service Account

A K8sSA provisioner allows a client to request a certificate from the server using a Kubernetes Service Account Token.

As of the time when this provisioner was coded, the Kubernetes Service Account API for retrieving the token from a running instance was still in beta. Therefore, our K8sSA provisioner must be configured with the public key that will be used to validate K8sSA tokens.

K8sSA tokens are very minimal. There is no place for SANs, or other details that a user may want validated in a CSR. It is essentially a bearer token. Therefore, at this time a K8sSA token can be used to sign a CSR with any SANs. Said differently, the K8sSA provisioner does little to no validation on the CSR before signing it. You should only configure and use this provisioner if you know what you are doing. If a malicious user obtains the private key they will be able to create certificates with any SANs and Subject.


Add a K8sSA provsioner:

step ca provisioner add my-kube-provisioner --type K8sSA --pem-keys

An example of a K8sSA provisioner in the ca.json:

... { "type": "K8sSA", "name": "my-kube-provisioner", "publicKeys": "LS0tLS1...LS0tCg==", "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "8h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2h" }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be K8sSA.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • publicKeys: a base64 encoded list of public keys used to validate K8sSA tokens.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.


Cloud Provisioners

step-ca can be configured to use instance identity documents (IIDs) to authorize certificate signing requests from cloud VMs running on AWS, GCP, or Azure. IIDs are signed JSON tokens, created when the instance is launched, and made available via the instance metadata API.

Here's the contents of an example IID from AWS:

{ "devpayProductCodes" : null, "marketplaceProductCodes" : [ "1abc2defghijklm3nopqrs4tu" ], "availabilityZone" : "us-west-2b", "privateIp" : "", "version" : "2017-09-30", "instanceId" : "i-1234567890abcdef0", "billingProducts" : null, "instanceType" : "t2.micro", "accountId" : "123456789012", "imageId" : "ami-5fb8c835", "pendingTime" : "2016-11-19T16:32:11Z", "architecture" : "x86_64", "kernelId" : null, "ramdiskId" : null, "region" : "us-west-2" }

example of provisioner working with step ca

Fig. 2: Diagram of how step works with a cloud service as the provisioner

Once you’ve configured step-ca to accept IIDs for authentication, step will detect the provisioner type, obtain an IID token from your cloud provider's metadata API, and use it to obtain a certificate from step-ca.

From the CA's perspective, an IID is a single-use token. A host can only get one certificate, ever, per IID. A host can then renew its certificate using step ca renew. If the certificate ever expires, the host will need to use a different provisioner to issue a new one.

Security Risks and Limitations

While IIDs simplify the integration of step-ca, the approach comes with risks.

Unfortunately, an IID usually doesn't contain enough information to authenticate a host certificate. For example, while an IID may contain the private or public IP for the host, it will not contain all of the DNS names and IP addresses that you may want on the certificate.

Because of this, step-ca's cloud provisioners use the Trust on First Use (TOFU) security model, allowing any instance to get a certificate with any names (SANs) on it.

This allows for a "cryptographic perimeter": If a host presents a certificate that was signed by your CA using a cloud provisioner, and the CA is configured to verify the instance's account, project, or tenant ID in the IID, you can have some confidence that the request came from your infrastructure (not someone else's), but you cannot assume that the names on the certificate are authentic.

Because of this, every host in your infrastructure must be trusted.

Mitigating the risk of IIDs

Here are some things you can do to mitigate risk when using IIDs:

  • Configure the provisioner with instanceAge. The IID will effectively "expire" if it's not used within instanceAge after the instance is launched.
  • Use a trusted launch configuration / User Data script to obtain a certificate. Coupled with instanceAge, this will give you more assuance that the names on your certificates can be trusted.
  • Restrict provisioning by your cloud provider account or project IDs. Configure the provisioner's accounts (AWS) or projectIDs (GCP) setting.
  • Disable Custom SANs, if possible. When using the disableCustomSANs setting, the CA will only issue certificates with authentic name(s) extracted from the signed instance identity document. Unfortunately, the names on the IID may not be the names that you use to refer to your servers and services.
  • Instances that don't obtain a certificate are a risk. Anyone with access to the instance will be able to obtain a certificate binding any names, so long as the instance is younger than instanceAge. Consider requesting certificates even for instances that will never use them, so that the IID cannot later be used by an attacker.

There are a lot of details to get right to make this model secure, many of which are environment-dependent and beyond the scope of this document.


The AWS provisioner allows granting a certificate to an Amazon EC2 instance using the Instance Identity Documents

The step CLI will generate a custom JWT token containing the instance identity document and its signature and the CA will grant a certificate after validating it.


Find your AWS account ID to restrict access to our VMs:

AWS Account ID

On the host running step-ca add an AWS provisioner to your configuration by running:

step ca provisioner add "AWS IID Provisioner" --type AWS --aws-account 123456789042

In the ca.json, an AWS provisioner looks like:

{ "type": "AWS", "name": "Amazon Web Services", "accounts": ["123456789042"], "disableCustomSANs": false, "disableTrustOnFirstUse": false, "instanceAge": "1h", "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h" }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be AWS.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • accounts*: the list of AWS account numbers that are allowed to use this provisioner. If none is specified, all AWS accounts will be valid.

  • disableCustomSANs*: by default custom SANs are valid, but if this option is set to true only the SANs available in the instance identity document will be valid, these are the private IP and the DNS ip-<private-ip>.<region>.compute.internal.

  • disableTrustOnFirstUse*: by default only one certificate will be granted per instance, but if the option is set to true this limit is not set and different tokens can be used to get different certificates.

  • instanceAge*: The maximum age of an instance that should be allowed to obtain a certificate. Limits certificate issuance to new instances to mitigate the risk of credential-misuse from instances that don't need a certificate.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.



The GCP provisioner grants certificates to Google Compute Engine instance using its identity token. The CA will validate the JWT and grant a certificate.


On the host running step-ca, add an GCP provisioner to your configuration by running:

step ca provisioner add Google --type GCP \ --gcp-service-account \ --gcp-service-account \ --gcp-project identity --gcp-project accounting

In the ca.json, a GCP provisioner looks like:

{ "type": "GCP", "name": "Google Cloud", "serviceAccounts": ["1234567890"], "projectIDs": ["project-id"], "disableCustomSANs": false, "disableTrustOnFirstUse": false, "instanceAge": "1h", "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h" }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be GCP.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • serviceAccounts*: the list of service account numbers that are allowed to use this provisioner. If none is specified, all service accounts will be valid.

  • projectIDs*: the list of project identifiers that are allowed to use this provisioner. If non is specified all project will be valid.

  • disableCustomSANs*: by default custom SANs are valid, but if this option is set to true only the SANs available in the instance identity document will be valid, these are the DNS <instance-name>.c.<project-id>.internal and <instance-name>.<zone>.c.<project-id>.internal

  • disableTrustOnFirstUse*: by default only one certificate will be granted per instance, but if the option is set to true this limit is not set and different tokens can be used to get different certificates.

  • instanceAge*: The maximum age of an instance that should be allowed to obtain a certificate. Limits certificate issuance to new instances to mitigate the risk of credential-misuse from instances that don't need a certificate.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.



The Azure provisioner grants certificates to Microsoft Azure instances using the managed identities tokens. The CA will validate the JWT and grant a certificate.


On the host running step-ca, add an Azure provisioner to your configuration by running:

step ca provisioner add Azure --type Azure \ --azure-tenant bc9043e2-b645-4c1c-a87a-78f8644bfe57 \ --azure-resource-group identity --azure-resource-group accounting

In the ca.json, an Azure provisioner looks like:

{ "type": "Azure", "name": "Microsoft Azure", "tenantId": "b17c217c-84db-43f0-babd-e06a71083cda", "resourceGroups": ["backend", "accounting"], "audience": "", "disableCustomSANs": false, "disableTrustOnFirstUse": false, "claims": { "maxTLSCertDuration": "2160h", "defaultTLSCertDuration": "2160h" }, "options": { "x509": { "templateFile": "templates/certs/x509/default.tpl" } } }
  • type: indicates the provisioner type and must be Azure.

  • name: a string used to identify the provider when the CLI is used.

  • tenantId: the Azure account tenant id for this provisioner. This id is the Directory ID available in the Azure Active Directory properties.

  • audience*: defaults to but it can be changed if necessary.

  • resourceGroups*: the list of resource group names that are allowed to use this provisioner. If none is specified, all resource groups will be valid.

  • disableCustomSANs*: by default custom SANs are valid, but if this option is set to true only the SANs available in the token will be valid, in Azure only the virtual machine name is available.

  • disableTrustOnFirstUse*: by default only one certificate will be granted per instance, but if the option is set to true this limit is not set and different tokens can be used to get different certificates.

  • claims*: overwrites the default claims set in the authority, see the claims section for all the options.

  • options*: see template configuration for more details.
