Install step-ca

It's trivial to install the step-ca binary on your local machine.

Select your operating system or infrastructure:


Install step and step-ca together, via Homebrew:

brew install step

Linux Packages (amd64)

  1. Install step

    Download and install the Debian package for your platform from our latest release:

    wget sudo dpkg -i step-cli_0.23.1_amd64.deb
  2. Install step-ca

    Download and install the Debian package for your platform from our latest release:

    wget sudo dpkg -i step-ca_0.23.1_amd64.deb

To configure step-ca as a daemon, see our systemd configuration guide.

To uninstall, run dpkg -r step-cli step-ca and remove the configuration directory $HOME/.step.

Arch Linux

There are community-driven Arch Linux packages.

You can use pacman to install the packages.

pacman -S step-cli step-ca

The binary tarballs can be found here:

Big shout out to the maintainers of these packages! We appreciate you.

To uninstall, run pacman -R step-ca step-cli and remove the configuration directory $HOME/.step.

  1. Install step

    Download and install the RPM package for your platform from our latest release:

    wget sudo dnf install step-cli_0.23.1_amd64.rpm
  2. Install step-ca

    Download and install the RPM package for your platform from our latest release:

    wget sudo dnf install step-ca_0.23.1_amd64.rpm

To configure step-ca as a daemon, see our systemd configuration guide.

To uninstall, run dnf remove step-cli step-ca and remove the configuration directory $HOME/.step.

Alpine Linux

There are community driven Alpine Linux Packages for step and step-ca.

Use apk to install step:

apk add step-cli step-certificates

To uninstall, run apk del step-cli step-certificates and remove the $HOME/.step configuration directory.

The binary tarballs can be found here:

Big shout out to the maintainers of these packages! We appreciate you.


There are community-maintained packages for NixOS:


There are community-maintained packages for FreeBSD:

Here's an installation transcript for installing both packages in a FreeBSD jail.

Big shout out to the maintainers of these packages! We appreciate you.

Linux binaries

We distribute pre-compiled binaries for amd64, arm64, armv6, armv7, mips, mips64, ppc64le, and 386. See the latest release page.

Here's how to download and install the step and step-ca binaries on an amd64 machine:

  1. Install step

    Download and install the Linux tarball from our latest release:

    wget -O step.tar.gz tar -xf step.tar.gz sudo cp step_0.23.1/bin/step /usr/bin
  2. Install step-ca

    Download and install the Linux tarball from our latest release:

    wget -O step-ca.tar.gz tar -xf step-ca.tar.gz sudo cp step-ca_0.23.1/bin/step-ca /usr/bin

To configure step-ca as a daemon, see our systemd configuration guide.


We publish helm charts for easy installation on kubernetes:

helm install step-certificates

You can see all the configuration options at


We publish docker images for easy container installation.

Test your installation

$ step version Smallstep CLI/0.10.0 (darwin/amd64) Release Date: 2019-04-30 19:01 UTC $ step-ca version Smallstep CA/0.10.0 (darwin/amd64) Release Date: 2019-04-30 19:02 UTC

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